alki TECHNIK Center
Since its completion in 2005 the alki TECHNIK Center in Ingolstadt is the new production and administration center of the alki TECHNIK GmbH. Development, production and distribution of the alkitronic® torque multipliers are now united under one roof.
The architectural concept and the building technology visualize the alkitronic® core skills: power and quality. The high-tech building possesses trendsetting, sustainable energy technology and combines all business functions under one roof. alkitronic® consequently strengthens its position as global market leader of electric torque multipliers with this milestone in the company’s history.
In cooperation with the architectural office Bachschuster situated in Ingolstadt, high-class architectural design is combined with the use of innovative technology and efficiency on an area as big as 3,800 m². The alki TECHNIK Center is characterized by the innovative building technology combining various renewable technologies with each other. The whole headquarter is heated by geothermal energy and solar cells ensure electric power supply.
The realization of this idea was carried out by a combination of energy production using groundwater heat pumps, energy transmission via thermal activation and the production of electricity from photovoltaics integrated into the building.
You can find additional information on the alki TECHNIK Center at architectural office Bachschuster.